
How well do you sell? Check your rank anytime.

Ranktouch is a great way for authors and publishers to keep tabs on a book’s performance on Amazon.com. If the last ranking pulled down is older than five minutes, a new one is collected.

The rankings are stored locally for trending and analysis. You can page through the rankings and view them on the historical chart.


  • Stores data locally for fast performance
  • Choose the number of points to chart
  • Group rankings by date collected
  • Combine rankings from same day into single rank
  • Delete older rankings
  • Type in a new ASIN to track another Amazon item
  • Track multiple items by switching between ASIN values
  • Can also track items from Amazon.co.uk

More Power

If you need more advanced Amazon tracking, try Rankforest for free.


iPhone or iPod Touch running OS 2.2.1 or later.

Support and Suggestions

Having issues? Have some ideas for a future release? Contact me about it.