Moving entries from one device to another in Chronicle

It's possible to move entries written on one device in Chronicle to another device using the backup and import feature.  This lets you write things on your iPhone and later transfer them to your iPad, for example.

There are two ways to move the entries: one is by using iTunes File Sharing, and the other is by using Dropbox.

One way: Using iTunes File Sharing

When you connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer you can open the iTunes application on your computer and browse the contents of the Chronicle folder.  If you've created any .backup files, you can see them (and save them to your computer).

Here's how you would move some entries from your iPhone to your iPad using iTunes File Sharing:

  • Create a .backup file on your iPhone by tapping the settings gear and tapping "Backup and Import"
  • Connect your iPhone to your computer and open iTunes
  • Browse Chronicle's folder on your iPhone using these steps (click to see steps)
  • Save the .backup file to your PC or Mac
  • Next, connect your iPad to your computer (you can disconnect your iPhone)
  • Browse your iPad and view the Chronicle folder
  • Drag-and-drop or add the .backup you saved in the step above to your iPad
  • Next, open Chronicle on your iPad and tap the settings gear
  • Tap "Backup and Import" and select the .backup you copied
  • Tap the Import button

Put simply, you're copying the .backup file from your iPhone to your iPad and then importing it.


Another way: Using Dropbox

If you have Chronicle on your iPhone and iPad configured to use your Dropbox account you can easily move .backup files from one device to the other.  It's important to configure each app to use the same sub-folder of your Dropbox account (so both copies of the app "see" the same folder).  For example, you might have a Dropbox folder named 'chronicle' that both copies of the app are configured to use and store backups in.

  • Create a .backup on your iPhone by tapping settings > "backup and import" > "backup"
  • Grab your iPad and tap settings > "backup and import" > "import"
  • The .backup file you created in the first step (from the iPhone) should appear in the listing on your iPad
  • Tap to select the appropriate .backup file and then tap "Import"


This is much easier to do because the app can handle moving the .backup to and from each device via Dropbox.  When your copy of Chronicle is configured to use Dropbox, every .backup file you create is automatically uploaded to Dropbox.  Likewise, when you browse for .backup files to import on your device, you see ones that are present physically on your device as well as any that are in your Dropbox folder.  The app is able to download the files from Dropbox without you having to do anything.